In case of preventing annoyance in a new building construction close to a railway line, several project steps can be identified:
- Quickscan
- Vibration measurements
- Prediction of expected vibration levels
- Study mitigating measures
When needed, two or three dimensional finite element models can be used to determine the exact dynamic response of the new building construction. The results of vibration measurements are often used as input.
We advice to perform a ground vibration assessment whenever building construction is planned within a 100 meter from a railway line. See also our article on the website of the Dutch building and construction magazine cobouw (in Dutch):
Voorkom slapeloze nachten door spoortrillingen bij nieuwbouw
Different mitigating measures are available. One of the most effective (but also relatively expensive) is to isolate the building from its foundation by the use of vibration isolators. In one of our recent projects these isolators have been applied (see photo).